The 'Low-Cost Camera (LCC)', an intensified video camera similar to those used by many amateurs for meteor observations - see the description on my ESA meteor pages |
Intensified CCD Camera (ICC)' - similar to LCC, but fiber-coupled CCD, expensive intensifiers - see description on ESA meteor pages |
The Astrovid 2000 video camera - bought as a backup for the 1999 solar eclipse. I have used it somewhat for recording Planets. My best image with it was obtained during the Venus transit in 2004. |
Philips ToUCam, bought summer 2003 - still working on getting good results |
The Mintron - see Mintron
for IRAM' -
Watec 120N - obtained Sep 2003 for testing fast photometry. See comparison between Watec and Mintron. |
A test CCD camera from DLR Berlin, called MOSES, with a 1k Thomson CCD - built under ESA contract |
An ST-4 as a guider for my new 16" Cassegrain. Have used it a lot from Sep 2006 to May 2007 - a little bit more sensitivity would be nice... |
The camera on the Rosetta spacecraft, OSIRIS - I was Technical Manager for this 1994 - 1997. The Principal Investigator is H. U. Keller from Max-Planck-Institute, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany (OSIRIS at MPS) |
The camera on the Smart-1 spacecraft currently flying to the Moon, AMIE. together with colleagues I provided the ground-based calibration. |
I initiated an ESA study for a very light sensitive camera to observe the dark side of planets from space: SPOSH |
And more, with links to come: